Essential information for parents/carers


Essential information for parents and carers considering our family of schools for their child/ren


We are delighted that you are considering applying for a place at an Excel Learning Trust school.

Excel Learning Trust is the admission authority for the school you are considering and is responsible for determining its admission arrangements. These admission arrangements can be found in our admissions policies which are available here.

For admissions and in-year admissions the Trust participates in the Local Authority’s Coordinated Admission Scheme. If parents/carers wish to apply for a school place, more information about the process and how to make an application can be found within the Local Authority’s guide for parents.

In-year admissions

Details of the Coordinated Admission Scheme and how in-year applications are managed is available here.

The Local Authority will confirm the outcome of the application in writing within 15 school days. If the application is refused, the Local Authority will advise on the statutory appeal procedure.

Our family of schools