Every single day counts


Please take a look at our parent/carer guide to attendance and punctuality.

At Excel Learning Trust we do everything possible to facilitate regular attendance at school.

  • All children have the right to full-time education
  • Attendance and getting to school on time is key to achievement
  • Good attendance = more opportunities in later life

Give your child the best start in life – every school day counts.


How can I help my child?

  • Have a good routine in the mornings and evenings so your child is prepared for the school day ahead.
  • Make sure your child arrives at school on time.
  • Arrange dental and medical appointments outside school hours.
  • Take an interest in your child’s work and praise their achievements.
  • Help your child to complete homework and listen to them read.
  • Keep in touch with school staff – we are here to support you.
  • Contact school on the first day of absence.
  • Come to parents’ evenings and other school events.
  • Take family holidays outside term time.


Every single day a child misses school is one day of lost learning.

90% attendance means that your child will miss half a school day each week, or 19 days of schools during the school year – that’s nearly four school weeks.

Being in school on time, every day helps to ensure your child has the best chance of success.

Image of attendance graphic


Poor attendance results in poor attainment. Make every day count, and give your child every chance to achieve their academic potential.

The higher the overall absence rate across Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4, the lower the level of attainment at the end of Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4.

Punctuality matters…

Your child is…

This equates to…

5 minutes late every day

3 school days lost in one year

15 minutes late every day

Two weeks of school missed in one year

30 minutes late every day

19 days of school missed in one year = 90% attendance

90% attendance throughout your child’s school life is equal to a whole year of school being missed.

Commonly asked questions about attendance

What should I do if I'm worried about my child's school attendance?

Contact school and tell us about your concerns.

What are my responsibilities regarding my child's school attendance?

It is your responsibility to ensure that any child attends school both regularly and on time. The local authority has a duty to make sure that all parents/carers fulfil this responsibility.

What will happen if my child does not attend school regularly?

The school will contact you to raise concerns about your child’s attendance, and your child will be placed on a persistent absentee list. If attendance continues to fall, and school has significant concerns, we will refer you to the Local Authority.

What if my child's school attendance does not improve?

If you continue to fail in your responsibility you may:

  • Receive a Fixed Penalty Notice, which is a fine of £60 per parent/carer for truancy, holidays in term time or poor attendance/punctuality, if paid within the first 21 days. If not paid in 21 days, but paid within 28 days, the fine will raise to £120. If you fail to pay, you will be prosecuted.
  • Be prosecuted in the Magistrates’ Court, which could result in you receiving a Community Order, a fine of up to £2,500 per parent/carer or a custodial sentence.

Why should my child attend school regularly?

Every school day counts towards your child’s future. Days off school add up to lost learning. In total, there are 175 non-school days a year. This gives families the opportunity to:

  • Spend time together
  • Go on family visits
  • Go on holiday
  • Go shopping
  • Go on days out
  • Attend routine appointments
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