Woodthorpe Primary School

Woodthorpe School logo

Head of School: Mrs Charlotte Grason-Taylor

Woodthorpe Primary is an amazing school and we are proud of all of our children and their achievements. We are aiming to create a truly outstanding school and so have the highest expectations of ourselves. We challenge ourselves to be the best that we can possibly be while still having fun and a smile on our face.

Our school values are based on respect, challenge and developing skills that will take us forward in life. We appreciate that not all children find school easy and there are times when children need more support. We invest time in ensuring that children are ready to learn and that they have adults around them who care.

We believe that by creating learning opportunities that are fun, having people around who care and having the right level of challenge – our children will have a successful time at school.

You will get a feel of our school from this website but please feel free to get in touch with us directly if you would like to know more about what we offer.

Contact details

Woodthorpe Primary School
Summerfield Road
York YO24 2RU

T: 01904 806464

E: admin@woodthorpe.elt.org.uk


Woodthorpe Primary School Governing Body